Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Satan Never Sleeps (3 stars)

Satan Never Sleeps, from 1962, is a Leo McCarey drama starring William Holden and Clifton Webb.  Taking on supporting roles in this film, which is based on a Pearl S. Buck novel, are France Nuyen and Weaver Lee.  The movie is set in Southwest China in November, 1949---before the Communists have taken over the country.

Mission priest, Father O'Banion (William Holden) is on his way to his new assignment at the Lang Fo Mission, where he will replace the retiring priest.  Father O'Banion, who has been delayed for a variety of reasons, is traveling with a teenage girl, Siu Lan (France Nuyen), who claims she is in love with him.  After explaining to Siu Lan that he is not in love with her, he leaves her at another nearby mission house and continues his journey to Lang Fo.

Father Bovard (Clifton Webb), the retiring priest, is irritated at O'Banion's days-late arrival, for he knows the Red Army is on the move, and he wants out before they get in.  With barely any explanations to O'Banion, Bovard hightails it away, but he is unable to get very far before being stopped by the Communists and returned to the mission.  As if not getting out wasn't bad enough, when Father Bovard discovers who the leader of the detaining regiment is, he is devastated and shocked, for it is Ho San (Weaver Lee), a man he believed had been converted to Christianity through the mission.  At one point, Bovard felt Ho San would become a priest and take over the mission. 

Meanwhile, following after the man she loves (Father O'Banion), Siu Lan arrives at Lang Fo, where she takes over as cook---the former cook having deserted the mission in order to become a "comrade."  Telling O'Banion that she loves him and wants to marry him, Siu Lan pursues him relentlessly; the priest, though, determined to be faithful to his vows, does his best to keep her at a distance.

As the Communists takeover more and more of the mission, they put pressure on the aging Father Bovard to denounce his Christian faith, something he refuses to do no matter what the cost.  The two priests must work together to keep their people safe, and how that is accomplished is the bulk of the movie.

Here is the link to the movie trailer on IMDB:  (HERE)

Satan Never Sleeps is a troubling movie, but I think it deals honestly with the situation both missionaries and nationals faced when the Communist takeover of China occurred.  It doesn't make for a feel-good movie, of course, but I do think it's very realistic.  For my Catholic friends, I want to make clear that Father O'Banion is never inappropriate towards Siu Lan.  While she threw herself at him, he was steadfast in his commitment, so don't be concerned that this film will portray the priest in a bad light.  If anything, it portrays both priests as completely devoted servants of their faith.

While William Holden gets top billing here, the real star was Clifton Webb.  He was his usual feisty, ill-natured self...you know, exactly what he does best.  I loved him!  This was his final film, and I think he went out in style, giving a very good performance.  William Holden is good, and the chemistry between him and Webb was fantastic.  It looks like they really enjoyed working together.   Holden is 44 here, and although he is beginning to show his age, he is still incredibly handsome.  He appeared to have fun with this role, often rolling his eyes heavenward or chuckling at the old priest's sarcasm. (Yes, while the movie is a hard-hitting drama, there are a few lighthearted, comical moments.) France Nuyen (the girl playing Siu Lan) is 23 here, but she looks considerably younger---like maybe 15.  I'm not quite sure how old her character was supposed to be, but since she looked so young, her supposed romantic love for the 44 year old Holden seemed a bit unbelievable to me.

Anyhow, I enjoyed Satan Never Sleeps and found it to be a very solid 3-star film.  Clifton Webb fans will enjoy seeing him shine in his final performance; and, of course, William Holden fans (like myself!) ought to like this as well.

Happy viewing!!