Saturday, June 01, 2013

All About Audie This Month

This month here at They Don't Make 'Em Like They Used To, it's all about Audie Murphy.

As I said in my recent To Hell and Back post (HERE), Mr. Murphy came into my life because of my son's in-depth study of WWII.  After discovering this most decorated of U.S. soldiers, my son brought him to my attention, and I've been smitten ever since!

The bulk of Mr. Murphy's filmography is Westerns, and while I don't profess to be a lover of that genre, I am a lover of brave, courageous men, who willingly and wholeheartedly serve their countries in a time of war. I also love humility---a character trait which Mr. Murphy demonstrated time and time again. Because I like Audie as a man, I've been willing to watch his films---and I must admit, I am slowly beginning to cultivate a taste for the Western.  (Of course, since Mr. Murphy is generally clean-shaven in his films, that helps!)

So, for this month, the romantic drama which is so prevalent here at They Don't Make 'Em Like They Used To is going to be replaced, predominately, with horses, cowboys, lawmen, outlaws, and the wild west.  I hope you'll join me and maybe discover a film you'd like to see. Even more, though, I hope you'll develop an appreciation for the brave, courageous, and humble, war hero-turned-actor, Audie Murphy.

By the way, I've added a poll to my sidebar.  Since I always list my favorite films of each month's star, I thought it would be fun to have my readers weigh-in on their favorite film as well. The poll will run all month long, and I'll share the results in my month-end recap.