Monday, April 01, 2013

What's Happening in April

This month will be mostly Doris Day here at They Don't Make 'Em Like They Used To.  The delightful Doris turns 89 this month, so to celebrate her, I'll be showcasing several of her films...musicals, comedies, and even some dramas.

Also on the agenda will be a few baseball films.  With a Red Sox-lovin' son in the house, I have learned to eagerly anticipate the beginning of a new baseball season, and in honor of the beloved game, I'll be focusing on some baseball films, including my all-time favorite baseball film---The Pride of the Yankees.

I'll also be taking part in The Movie Projector's James Cagney blogathon, highlighting that quintessential gangster film, The Public Enemy.

With nearly thirty bloggers taking part in the 5-day celebration of Mr. Cagney, it's sure to be a terrific event, and it will be capped off with a giveaway of the 2-disc collector's edition of Yankee Doodle Dandy (see HERE for more information).  What fan of the great James Cagney wouldn't be interested in a chance to win such a great prize.

It promises to be a fun and busy month...join me, won't you?